Pietro Novelli
Our Lady of Carmel and Saints

After 1642
Oil on canvas
Museo Diocesano di Palermo, Sicily

The saint with the long beard is Simon Stock, who is receiving the "brown scapular" from the Virgin and Child. In this image the scapular is imagined as the kind that monks wear: A hole for the head is in the middle, so the piece will hang front and back.

The other saints are Angelus of Jerusalem, Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi, and Teresa of Avila.

The date given by the person who posted this photograph on Wikimedia Commons is 1641, but the commentary on the scapular in the Catholic Encyclopedia (s.v. "Scapular") says the earliest document referring to this event was "a circular of St. Simon Stock" of 1642.

Read more about images of St. Simon Stock.

Source: this page at Wikimedia Commons.